Hey Everyone, Hope all is well with you and your family; my
family is well. Today I woke up feeling some “kind of way”… I sort of
touched on it in yesterday’s post… about living with expectancy in our hearts
for Jesus. I don’t know, maybe it’s anxiety or an anxiousness that something
good is about to happen, it may not be today, but perhaps some time down the
road… I feel really good and I haven’t had any caffeine.
The other day I received a Father’s Blessing from John Paul Jackson who passed away on February 18th, it is a beautiful
blessing spoken over whosoever and as of yesterday I reminded myself to speak
blessings over myself (family and others), I need this in my life and I’ve been
feeling inspired and loved by God.
A few things stand out… When I prayed, I prayed over this
blog; I had to catch myself because I called it a “little blog” and I want to
be careful not to downplay anything that God is doing, I also prayed over my
crochet business and for the first time I called it a “business"…
if I’m expecting God to do “exceedingly and abundantly above all I can ask or
think”, I should not be minimizing what He can do in my life.
I’ve also asked Father God to help me write these books that
are in my heart, to give me that creative writing ability that will hold the people’s
attention, make them think and in turn give God the glory… I know that I cannot
do this without Him, what would be the point in that… He makes everything
My life is full of possibilities and opportunities and I want to take advantage of them all, it was also my prayer for Him to surround me with
people who want God’s best for me; and to surround me with people that He can use to
position me to be, where I need to be. I even asked Him to restore the
mindless, restless, wasted years I spent relying on my own abilities instead of
seeking after His Kingdom and His righteousness. It is also my desire to be a blessing to others, in what ever way I can. When it comes to the Kingdom of God, no effort is too small. If you haven't been speaking the word and promises of God over your life, I hope you will begin to do so.
This week I will be in the Book of John and 1st 2nd and 3rd John. Until next time...
Love & Blessings xo
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