Hey Everyone,
As always, I hope all is well with you and your family, and that your week is off to a great start. Remember we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Stay encouraged and let everything you say and do be for the Glory of our Heavenly Father <3
To God be all the Glory, what don't kill you makes you stronger, lol. My first school year as a bus driver is coming to a close. Me and Grace (the name of my school bus) made it by the Grace of God, there were a few times I didn't think I was going to make it... but God.
In November, things began to shift for me, it became one of those SUDDENLY moments... suddenly, being a school bus driver was not so bad, there are still challenges... but our Lord has been faithful. Prior to that I was ready to quit (I know a thing or two about quitting), I didn't need all that stress and aggravation from kids that aren't even mine. CONFESSION, I was even looking for someone to take my place for when I quit... I know, I know, you don't have to say it. When I told my Pastor about my trying to leave that job, he asked me one question, "has God released you from that job?" Me: Nooooo, Ugh! He was right though, my Father had not released me and I knew it.
It took a minute, but once I wholeheartedly submitted my will to HIS WILL, everything was peachy keen, just glorious, the kids became perfect angels... NOT. What I did get from my submission was His Peace, guidance and wisdom in how to minister to these kids. Everyday, I must be mindful of His presence in order for Him to accomplish the thing He wants to accomplish through me and in them.
You may find this hard to believe but my problem kids are not middle school or high school kids, but it's those elementary school kids (K-5), the spirit of anger and selfishness is heavy on them. Whenever they didn't agree with what I had to say about something; I would say, "I don't care", one of the little boys said, "you don't care about anything", that was a habit that I had to break quickly, because I do care... now I take the time to tell them why there actions are unacceptable and for them to think about why they did or said what they did and to constantly remind them that their actions have consequences... either good or bad. They must be held accountable for their actions now or a judge will make them accountable later.
The one thing that really burns me up, is when these children call one another names. Oh, my Lord, the names they call each other, it's just awful. Revelation came by way of Holy Spirit, He told me to teach them that when they call one another ugly names, it is a CURSE, they are speaking cursing's against one another. So, when the next incident occurred, I told the young girl that her language was a curse, of course she was like... "no Ms. Carolyn, I didn't cuss him". I went on to explain to her, what Holy Spirit had shared with me, it's going to takes some time but nothing is impossible with God.
What about you, is your speech a BLESSING or a CURSE?
Continued Blessings to you and your family <3
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