2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. (NLT)
*In the Greek the word Fear is translated Cowardice.
Matthew 21:21-22 Then Jesus told them, "I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, "May God lift you up and throw you into the sea, and it will happen. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (NLT)
Hi Sweetie,
As a little girl around the age of 3 or 4, I was so afraid of people (strangers), I would hide behind the back side of the bed or hold on to my mother's leg. When I was 18, I was able to attend a 2 year fashion college. I completed the 1st year...the 2nd year I was to put together a mini-fashion show and because I was afraid to do that, I didn't go back. When I was about 23, I moved back home because I was afraid to live alone with 2 small children. I'm afraid to get on a cruise ship (that's a lot water), but I'm not afraid to fly (even though I've only done it once). I'm afraid of the dark (I used to love to sleep in a dark room), so I sleep with the lamp on.
Throughout my life fear has worn many disguises: shyness, rejection, doubt, anxiety, worry, burden, dread...Fear had been ruling in my life all these years and it kept me from 'being all that I could be' for God, I was that person that would get so close and give up... quit... and it was because I couldn't admit that I was afraid. Why? Why couldn't I just admit it? Sometimes, depending upon the circumstances we'll use fear to hide behind and make the accusation/excuse that, "it must not be God's will for me", you know we do that.
When I began to study the word of God I soon realized that this 'particular' fear comes from Satan and that it's a SPIRIT, not just a feeling or an emotion, but a Spirit and this Spirit was controlling my mind with fear. Once upon a time I found myself stuck between 'the fear of failure and the fear of success' and we know that's a lose-lose situation, no "WINNING" here. My pastor always says, "never underestimate Satan, he's clever and he's been at this a long time and he's a hard task-master, if he can control your mind, then he can control you".
Psalm 34:4 I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me, freeing me from all my fears. (NLT)
Satan comes against us in our minds, that's why it's so important for us believers to have the mind of Christ. We need to know what God says about living the Christian life, we need to know His promises for us, we need to know that authority has been given to us through Christ Jesus, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus has already conquered Satan and everything that he stands for. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, he doesn't care if you're young/old, male/female, rich/poor, educated/slightly educated; he will use any means necessary to keep God our Father from receiving Honor and Glory from us and FEAR is one of many arsenals.
"Sometimes God will deliver you from your fears, most times he will deliver you in your fears."
- Jimmy Evans
Fear is a bully that consistently mocks and intimidates you and I into submission and then dares us to tell anyone or do anything about it. In April or May of this year I began to learn how to drive a school bus. In the beginning I was pretty confident that I could do this, but during my training I became terrified and I was about to quit at something... again. If it had not been for Holy Spirit encouraging me, I wouldn't have completed the training.
Luke 17:6 "Even if you have faith as small as a mustard seed," the Lord answered, "you could say to this mulberry tree, 'May God uproot you and throw you into the sea,' and it would obey you! (NLT)
Holy Spirit kept impressing upon my heart, 'your breakthrough is right there, hold on'. My breakthrough was so much more than me learning how to drive a school bus, it was me conquering a fear... me depending on God and trusting what Jesus had already accomplished for my life and relying on the power within (Holy Spirit) to strengthen my faith. "Do It Afraid!", is one of my favorite quotes from Joyce Meyers. I would like to elaborate by saying, fear will paralyze you and keep you from being any earthly good to the body of Christ, it will keep you from the plans and purposes of God for your life and it will also hinder your spiritual growth as well, so therefore sometimes we are just going to have to "Do It Afraid!"
- Joyce Meyers
Overcoming a fear doesn't mean I'm completely FEARLESS, it means I can overcome it (fear), it means, 'greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world' it means 'without Christ I can do nothing' but with Him 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' It's during those times, we must not lose our focus, it's just another scare tactic from the enemy to distract us from God's best for us. Everyday we have an opportunity to face our fears, whether it be subconsciously (those fears that lie beneath the surface) or consciously (those fears that we are fully aware of) by keeping our faith in Christ Jesus.
NO ONE is exempt from fear, no one. I'm reminded of a teaching that I heard recently about Jesus overcoming His fear. I know, you're like wait a minute!!, "when has Jesus ever been afraid of anything?" I know right, me too, WHEN? REALLY? He's JESUS!! THE HOLY ONE, THE MESSIAH, THE CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD.
Then the teacher went on to say, in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He prayed to the Father three times asking the Father to "remove this bitter cup from me", Jesus was in a great deal of agony and distress at that time (He had the sins of the world (all mankind) upon Him: Past, Present, Future, every generation from Adam and beyond today, he was about to face beatings, humiliation,crucifixion and death ), yes He is the SON OF GOD (divine) but He is also the SON OF MAN (humanity) but He said, "nevertheless, not my will, but thine will be done." To some, this statement may be debatable, I'm not a Scholar or Theologian, but I don't think that statement was meant to demoralize or dishearten (by bringing Jesus down to the same level as me/you), but it was meant to magnify/manifest who He is -"HE'S GOD."
Hebrews 4:14-16 We have a great High Priest who has gone to Heaven, Jesus the Son of God. Let us cling to Him and never stop trusting Him. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He face all of the same temptations we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it. (NLT)
In order to over come our fears we need to:
1. Admit there is a fear
2. Submit the fear to God
3. Face our fears by Faith through Christ Jesus.
If you want to know if its God's will, see how it (that thing that you want to accomplish) measures up to God. Ask yourself a series of questions: Will it take away time spent with God? Will it keep me from attending Worship Service, Bible Study, Prayer Meeting? Am I rebelling/sinning against God? This is just an example of the kinds of questions I ask myself, to help eliminate any confusion or doubt that I may be having.
Until Next Time - Remember You Are BLESSED!
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